Tag: emergency back up power

by renewablecouk / on 9 September, 2022

Best Angle for Solar Panels in the UK

The best direction for a roof with solar panels is dead south. Except if you're in the Southern Hemisphere when you want it to be facing north - which is why solar panels are like bath water spiralling down the plug hole.
by renewablecouk / on 9 September, 2022

Can you live off grid in the UK?

Can you live off gird in the UK? We find out if you can escape spiralling energy costs? Read our in-depth article to find out if it can work for you.....
by renewablecouk / on 19 August, 2022

Renew-Able Solutions Sign major distribution

Renew-Able Solutions Sign major distribution On Monday 15th of August Renew-Able Solutions signed a distribution agreement with EcoFlow to become a recognised UK Distributor for all of their products.